ID | Company name | Product specification |
MITRA NIAGA JAYA MANGGALA, PT | Milk And CreamCandyBeveragesCharcoal | |
PANCARAN MULIA SEJATI, PT | Fixed Vegetable FatsCandyJamBeverages | |
DOLPHIN, PT | CandySnackfood and BiscuitsBeverages | |
MAYORA INDAH, PT | CandySnackfood and BiscuitsBeverages | |
TIGA PILAR SEJAHTERA FOOD, PT | CandySnackfood and Biscuits | |
HELMIGS PRIMA SEJAHTERA, PT | TeaCurcuminCandyBeverages | |
ORANG TUA | CandySnackfood and BiscuitsFruit, nuts etc prepared or preservedBeverages |